Mornings aren’t always slow and relaxing for most of us. More often than not, a common scenario is hastily taking a sip of coffee, and then running out the front… read more →
Helen Keller said something very important about teamwork. She said that “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Yes, it’s true that by doing things… read more →
Success can mean different things for different people. For others, it can be academic prestige and renown. For some, it could be athletic, musical, or other feats of achievement. The… read more →
There will always come a time when we lose faith. A time when we feel down, when it looks like the obstacles in front of us are insurmountable. We feel… read more →
Most of the time, entrepreneurs have a number of challenges on their plate. Leading your own business is certainly not an easy task to do, which makes some people crack… read more →
Leaders are remembered for the things they say and do. They stand out because of their immense presence and because of the aura they exude. You can spot them almost… read more →
Work disengagement is no laughing matter. A 2015 Gallup survey found that only 35% of employees feel engaged – or involved, enthusiastic and dedicated – to the organisation that they… read more →
Are you a stickler for good spelling? As an employer, you bin the resumes with spelling errors ‘cos it’s a sign of no care? You communicate for a living but… read more →
You constantly start things … and never finish them. You get down on yourself about this, and then something pops up to grab your attention. You’re off chasing the next rainbow,… read more →