6 Practical Ways to Boost Your Performance at Work

Improvement is certainly something that everyone aims for. Most people aim to become better because of the prestige and glory that comes with it. It’s a nice feeling to have the spotlight aimed at us for a bit and be celebrated for the enhancements we’ve worked for.

However, improvement doesn’t come easy and is often met with resistance, especially at work. To fully become a better employee, or individual, one must practice behavior modification techniques and literally hijack their bad practices to transform them into good ones. If you wish to improve at work, you’re going to have to will yourself to do so. Fortunately, we have just what you need to help you towards your journey to success.

1. Refrain from Distractions

Distractions are the number one reason as to why people are unproductive. Instead of doing what needs to be done, they put it off and divert their attention towards something else. Though some of these distractions can be healthy and helpful, you must always keep your eye on the prise. Remember your mission and as much as possible, avoid things that will keep you from achieving it.

2. Strategise then Prioritise

Now that you’re able to actively avoid distractions, it’s time for you to make plans and pave your way towards your goals. Analyse, strategise and then prioritise by figuring out which tasks are critical to accomplish, and which ones can be postponed without hurting the results.

3. Set Milestones and Rewards

It’s highly unlikely that you’ll be able to attain the improvements you want in one go. More often than not, the road to change is long and winding and would sometimes take longer than you’ve expected. That’s why it’s important to celebrate the progress you’ve gone through so far. Set some milestones and reward yourself for reaching them. This helps you remain motivated and eager to fight the good fight.

4. Actively Listen

We usually underestimate the power of listening and comprehension. However, actively listening can provide a person with so much benefits. Active listening is one of the most effective behavior modification techniques that is conducive for improvement. For example: Listening would provide you with a better understanding as to what your manager, boss, or client needs. This lets you properly respond and meet all of their expectations, while effectively improving the rate of your performance at work.

5. Raise Questions

The point of raising questions is for you to be able to find a more efficient approach to any given task. Ask questions like “Is there a faster, easier, more effective way for this?” or “What would’ve happen if I did this differently?” Always aim to challenge and question yourself constructively and your performance will surely improve.

6. Learn Something New

Sometimes, we are stuck with all the monotonous and mundane tasks at hand that we often become complacent. When this happens, we tend to become stagnant and experience a decline in our performance. Don’t settle for the same thing. Go ahead and learn something new. Read something interesting or a practice a new skill related to your industry.

Here’s a bonus tip: Using behavior modification techniques is most likely a lifelong process and you won’t see results overnight. Yes, you can improve but you will have to put your heart into it. Believe that YOU CAN become a better person and you will eventually become a better employee. Your performance will radically improve and open new doors of opportunities for you.


Sharon Kaibel is a performance and productivity coach. Sharon helps business owners create the strategy, structure and systems to build and grow a profitable business. Join her Closed Facebook Group, the #ACHIEVERNETWORK for the community, resources and trainings to become an extraordinary achiever.